
This is the actual recipe we use, so no excuses!!

Makes 1 tray, like the video above or 3 normal “home’ sized trays

1 kg white flour (or 800g white, 200g spelt/wholemeal for more flavour)

20g yeast

20g salt

700g water

50g olive oil

Make dough, prove.

Put olive oil in tin, approx 5ml deep. without knocking air out of dough, 

scrape it into tin. splay fingers and press into dough, gently spreading it 

out a bit over the tin.

leave for 30mins to prove.

Repeat process, pressing down to the bottom of the tin and spreading the 

dough out so it covers the base of the tin. cover with rosemary leaves. 

leave to prove for 30mins.

Scatter with salt. bake at 250 degrees for 20 mins until golden brown. 

remove from oven and immediately drench with olive oil all over. leave to 

cool in tin.

The same dough made into little loaves stuffed with tapenade is really nice - 

Pour olive oil over them as they come out of oven.